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Manufactured Homes

Manufactured Homes

What is a Manufactured Home?

A manufactured home is constructed almost entirely, in a factory, to Federal performance standards (HUD). The home is built, on an integrated steel chassis and transported, to the building site. The wheels can be removed but the frame stays in place. A manufactured home can come, in many different sizes and shapes. The two major forms of manufactured homes are single-wides and sectionals. Single-wides are sixteen feet or less in width and can be transported, to their site, as a single unit. Sectionals are typically twenty feet or more in width, and are moved to their site in separate units, which are then joined together. Although not as common as the latter, a manufactured home can also be produced as a Triple-wide (read more).


 Most manufactured homes are placed on poured concrete foundations (pillars) that are drilled, in to the ground, to frost level. Many others are placed on an engineered, poured concrete slab, (much thicker and stronger than 3 ½ inch garage type slabs) with anchoring points. Many types of skirting are available, from vinyl, metal, concrete, or any other type of approved materials.

 Special frames may be ordered during the building, of the home, so the home can be placed, on a basement or crawlspace. If a manufactured home is placed on a crawlspace or basement, the home is still a manufactured home; it DOES NOT become a modular home.

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